General Guidelines
"Review Board", the Review Board logo, "RBCommons", and "Beanbag" are trademarks of Beanbag, Inc.
We invite everyone to use our brand names and logos in a way which is consistent with our trademarks.
- Use our names and/or logos to link to Review Board or other Beanbag products.
- Use our names and/or logos to inform people that you integrate with Review Board or other Beanbag products.
Do Not:
- Do not use our names and/or logos in a way which suggests that you are Beanbag, or that you are endorsed by Beanbag.
- Do not use our names and/or logos to refer to your own business or offerings.
- Do not make changes to the logos, including changing colors or dimensions, or combining with other elements.

"Review Board" refers to the collaboration tool created by Beanbag, Inc. When referring to this tool by name, we ask that you call it "Review Board", and not other variations such as "ReviewBoard", "reviewboard", or "RB".
If you use the Review Board logo in isolation without the text "Review Board", please ensure that it links to https://reviewboard.org/.

"RBCommons" refers exclusively to the service hosted at https://rbcommons.com/. When referring to this service, we ask that you call it "RBCommons", and not other variations such as "RB Commons" or "rbcommons".

The term "Beanbag" refers to the company Beanbag, Inc. When using this name, we ask that you call it either "Beanbag" or "Beanbag, Inc.", and not other variations such as "BeanBag" or "Bean bag".